Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chocolate Pomegranate Seeds

  • 2 large pomegranates
  • 1, 12oz bag semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. Refrigerate the pomegranates (not required, but it helps).
  2. Remove all the seeds by slicing off the top & bottom edges then cut through the skin on either side. Pull the pomegranate in half & submerge the pieces in water, using your fingers to pick the seeds clean placing them in a colander.
  3. Gently rinse the seeds, then lay them out on paper towels to dry.
  4. Lay out a large sheet of wax paper on a a cookie sheet which will fit inside your refrigerator.
  5. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler (if you don't have a double boiler a metal or oven-safe glass dish over boiling water works well); stir constantly while melting so the chocolate won't scorch.
  6. Add fully dried seeds to melted chocolate (if they are wet the chocolate can seize) & fold gently with rubber spatula until seeds are thoroughly covered, then spoon out globs of the mixture onto the wax paper.
  7. Place the wax papered cookie sheet in the refrigerator and let the chocolate-covered seeds cool overnight (or for as long as you can stand before tasting them).
  8. Refrigerate up to 3-4 days.

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