Saturday, August 21, 2010

Traditional Irish Soda Bread (White & Brown)

Preheat: 425 Prep: 20 min Bake: 45 min

  1. 4 c all purpose flour (white soda bread) or 3 c wheat flour & 1 c white flour (brown soda bread)
  2. 1 3/4 c buttermilk
  3. 1 tsp salt
  4. 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
Optional Ingredients for a more modern bread:
  1. 4 Tbs Butter
  1. Lightly grease & flour a cake pan.
  2. In a large bowl sieve & combine dry ingredients.
  3. (optional) Rub in butter until flour becomes crumbly.
  4. Add buttermilk to form a sticky dough.
  5. Place on floured surface & lightly knead (over kneading causes the gas to escape)
  6. Shape into a round flat disk shape.
  7. Place into cake pan & cut a cross into the top of the dough.
  8. Cover with another cake pan & bake 30 min.
  9. Remove cake cover & bake an additional 15 min.
  10. Bread is done when the bottom has a hollow sound when tapped.
Perfectly served with butter & a cup of tea.

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