Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dessert Kabobs

Prep: 15 min-20 min

  1. Fresh Strawberries, stems & leaves removed & washed thoroughly
  2. Semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted in a double broiler
  3. Kabob skewers
Highly suggested, Optional Ingredients:
  1. Fresh pineapple cubes
  2. Other fresh fruit slices, such as: apple, peach, nectarine, orange, kiwi, etc.
  3. Marshmallows, large size for skewering (DO NOT Grill a Kabob w/Marshmallows)
  4. Shredded coconut, as a topping
  5. Carmel syrup to drizzle over chocolate
  6. Marshmallow Cream, as a topping
  7. Nuts
  1. Skewer berries & any optional Ingredients of your choice.
  2. (Optional) Grilling: If you skewer only fruits you can gently grill for a more enriched flavor, especially pineapple. However, over grilling will cause the fruits to soften & fall off the skewer.
  3. After skewering, place on a paper plate and brush with chocolate.
  4. Top the chocolate with any optional toppings you desire.
  5. Serve immediately!

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