Monday, October 11, 2010

Eyeball Caprese

Prep: 15 min

  1. Castelvetrano (Green) Olives
  2. Black Olives
  3. Fresh Mozzarella
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Large Spinach or Fresh Basil Leaves
  6. Olive Oil
  7. Salt & Pepper, to taste
  1. Cut the ends off your green olives & use a straw to punch the pupil holes into the center of the ends.
  2. Slice black olives in half & punch the pupils out of the centers. Place "pupils" into the green olive pupil holes.
  3. Arrange Leaves on a serving platter.
  4. Slice Tomatoes & place on top of the leaves.
  5. Arrange two rounds of mozzarella on top of each tomato slice.
  6. Top tomatoes with olives.
  7. Drizzle with olive oil, salt & pepper.
  8. Serve.

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