Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Compost Vegetable Stock

  • Carrot peels
  • Celery tops & ends
  • Outer layers & skins of onions
  • scallion parings
  • "Rinsings" from canned tomatoes
  • outer layers of garlic
  • 1-2 Tbs dried herbs: parsley thyme, rosemary, bay leaves...
  • 2 qt water
Optional Ingredients:
  • mushrooms
  • eggplant
  • asparagus (butt ends)
  • corn cobs
  • fennel (stalks and trimmings)
  • bell peppers
  • pea pods
  • chard (stems and leaves)
  • celery root parings
  • marjoram (stems and leaves)
  • basil
  • potato parings
  • broccoli stems
  • salt
  • 2-3 whole peppercorns
Note, Vegetables to avoid: cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, rutabagas, artichokes & beet roots

  1. Wash & Store all the pieces you would normally throw into your compost in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze them if you plan on keeping them for longer than 1 week.
  2. When you have 4 c of "compost vegetables" roast them in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  3. Add roasted vegetables, herbs and 2 qts of water to a pot and boil until water reaches the color of weak tea.
  4. Add salt to taste.
  5. To store vegetable stock freeze in an ice cube tray and store in a freezer ziplock storage bag or a square freezer container.

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