Thursday, November 4, 2010

Moon Over Miami (or egg in a basket)

Prep: 15 min Serves: 1

This recipe has many different names: birds nest, bulls eye eggs, cowboy eggs, egg-in-a-hole, egg in a/the basket, eggs in a blanket, elephant egg bagel, frog in a hole, gas house eggs, moon eggs, Moon over Miami, and Rocky Mountain toast.

  1. 1 slice bread (can use half a bagel or a waffle instead)
  2. butter, margarine or bacon grease for you southern food lovers out there!
  3. 1 egg
Optional Ingredients:
  1. salt & pepper to taste
  2. hot sauce
  3. shredded cheese
  1. Use a cookie cutter to cut a hole in the middle of a slice of bread (most people choose a circle, oval or egg shape but to make it more fun I let my kids pick any shape they want- my oldest usually picks a skull & my youngest a dog or flower).
  2. Lightly grease the bread on both sides.
  3. Fry bread like you are frying a grilled cheese sandwich.
  4. Crack an egg into the cut-out hole

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